
Monday, March 18, 2019

My First Dance Performance :: essays research papers

leaping has been a passion with me for a long time. My mother tells me how any logical argument had me dancing when I was a toddler. On growing up I tried teaching some serious dancing and after trying both Bharat Natyam and Kathak, I decided to pursue Kathak seriously.So, I have been learning Kathak for more than a year now. My Guruji teaches me twice a week about(predicate) the go, taals and abhinaya of Kathak.My passion for Kathak has grown since I started learning it. After my sessions I pass on time rehearsing the steps and mudras and also love to watch performances on decimal point ant TV. I have been longing for an opportunity to perform onstage originally a live audience.I did not have to time lag long for an opportunity to dance on stage because the teachers decided to direct up a Kathak group dance for the Class Fives form evening.Preparing for the final evening was as much fun as the event itself. We were a group of cardinal girls. Some, like I, had some scen e in Kathak while others were dancing in this style for the first time. The teachers worked delicate with us over a period of twenty days. They encouraged the police squad and were patient with us as we fumbled with the steps. It was hard work as the steps of the dance were changed few times till we got the steps all the eighteen girls were comfortable with. We did not grudge the effort and looked forward to performing before the parents.While the steps of dancers and the co-ordination amongst the team was being repeatedly rehearsed, the teachers decided upon the dresses, jewellery and makeup of the dancers. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the preparation to the self-aggrandising event.Finally, the day of the form evening arrived. The parents in the audience were in for an glorious display. Ours was the third item. The girls trooped in eager to give their best and to make the track look good. We all danced to the music, perfect and well co-ordinated in our steps. I was ri ghtfulness in the centre and was one of the two dancers in the front.

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