
Monday, September 30, 2019

Biography on Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was the means to the evolution of the Roman Republic into an empire. This transition extended its significance to more than 60 million citizens through the outcome of the empire, some of which is virtual peace and prosperity. Arriving at this conclusion, we must now ask, was this transition all because of Caesar? It seems to appear that Caesar had intentionally planned to initiate a dominion as the key to all the troubles in the world. The events that took place, namely the invasion of Gaul, the combat opposing Pompey, and the dictatorship of Caesar, moved so fast and certain.This viewpoint was equally shared by a few historians; the most expressive of them was the German scholar Theodor Mommsen (1817-1903). He articulated this viewpoint in his Romische Geschichte. For Mommsen, Caesar had cleared all crooked aristocracy and formed an empire that functioned for all of its citizens. Dominion and equality were evenhanded in its foundation. This was a thing that Mommsen wou ld have greatly loved in his own homeland. Mommsen wrote that Caesar's â€Å"aim was the highest which a man is allowed to propose himself – the political, military, intellectual, and moral regeneration of his own deeply decayed nation [†¦] The hard school of thirty years' experience changed his views as to the means by which this aim was to be reached; his aim itself remained the same in the times of his hopeless humiliation and of his unlimited plenitude of power, in the times when as demagogue and conspirator he stole towards it by paths of darkness, and in those when, as joint possessor of the supreme power and then as monarch, he worked at his task in the full light of day before the eyes of the world. [†¦ ] According to his original plan he had purposed to reach his object [†¦] without force of arms, and throughout eighteen years he had as leader of the people's party moved exclusively amid political plans and intrigues – until, reluctantly convin ced of the necessity for a military support, he, when already forty years of age, put himself at the head of an army. †( Romische Geschichte) Many of his actions had sheltered the common citizens against the self-centered rules of the rich. His rules on levies and nationality most likely demonstrate this. On the other hand, were these actions to protect the people his goal or just his instrument to create a solid foundation for a personal cause?The following arguments are the judgments of enormous historians, namely Eduard Meyer and Jerome Carcopino. They believed, as written in their Caesars Monarchie und das Pinzipat des Pompejus and Histoire Romaine, that even as a child, Caesar’s goal was the organization of a dominion in Rome. Caring for the citizens’ welfare was not his aim, instead, he utilized them. According to the German historian Matthias Gelzer, maybe, it was not right to center on Caesar’s guiding principle. He added that Caesar maybe was just an exemplar to a much bigger course.Caesar made history but not in the condition of his own option. He explained further that there had to be profound causes for these actions and it was not right to consider influential men like Julius Caesar as stimulators of social change. Ronald Syme, an Oxford professor, shared the same perspective with Gelzer’s thought that Caesar was just an exemplar to a much bigger course. According to him, Caesar outshined his associate nobles because he established groundwork outside Italy. His abundant allocation of nationality was a significant tool for him to receive this support.He wanted to be the original among his fellows. After World War II, most people agreed with Syme’s abhor of one-man ruling. This resulted in the vanishing of the subject about Caesar. There were articles but there were no improvements. Today, Syme’s ideas were most likely agreed by most historians than Mommsen’s. However, the perspective of Syme de teriorated very fast. His divisions were similar to the elites that managed universities in the 20th century. His principle in family fidelity was not very possible in the real world. (Lendering) At the Capitoline hill in present Rome lies the statue of Caesar.It stares down above the remains of his round-table. What types of accomplishments were left for a man who cared much about his personal heritage to history? Since Caesar’s death, his effect on the history of his country has been continually deliberated. The path he chose in life was obviously notorious. Historians either agreed for his actions or opposed it. Centuries later, uneducated native people who barely knew Rome knew his name. His name is one among some which are often renowned. Those who admire Cicero always oppose the fearless, dignified orator against the striving, monomaniacal demolisher of Rome.Likewise, the ones who look up to Caesar seem to view Cicero as a selfish tool for the oligarchs who, in the firs t place, had destabilized the Republic even before the arrival of Caesar. In the 19th century, intellectuals raised Caesar’s statesmanship and knowledge into a level that nearly advances into a sect of personality. In Mommsen’s opinion, the Roman Empire was out of power and leads towards devastation. According to him, it was Caesar’s declaration that seized organization of its history and headed towards unwavering years of the Republic.In the 20th century, many historians likened Caesar to Hitler and Stalin due to the unavoidable responses after the end of World War II. Nevertheless, his status has lived two millennia of disordered government and will live the limits of the previous years. For me, Caesar’s path is a breakpoint in the history of Rome and very essential. An obvious misinterpretation of the Roman psyche of his own era is the mistreatment of Caesar as a man preoccupied by his own dignities. To challenge deeply in quest of individual credit wa s the outcome of as aristocratic whose only immortality rest in eternally touching the history of Rome.Cicero, for all his fully conscious acceptance of the history of Rome, blazed with an unslaked yearning to influence his era and be recalled for his actions. Caesar carried amazing traits to his concluding power of the nation which were not present in his motivated equals. The case was unpersuasive for me because the legislation of his Consulate and the soon after kinds passed while Dictator did not gravely tried to restore mistakes long disregarded by the wrangling rich men who declared that he shattered freedom on his own.Caesar was far more than dreams not like the Gracchis. He was a progressive. Sorting out the applicable comments of his measures from the doubt that a lot of his colleagues were provoked by their personal gluttony and jealousy of his rank among them is hard. Furthermore, the power of Rome was absolutely incompetent of calmly accommodating the transformations of Caesar. It believes with confidence that the Republic was the finest of all potential worlds and that whichever amend was not merely hazardous but completely unpatriotic.Reading the past of Rome from the Gracchi to Augustus is an extensive and disheartening investigation of what prejudice, factionalism, individual goal, aggression, and gluttony had made to Romans. Basically, Rome had turned relatively ensnared in the collapse when men need not describe the universal superior likewise, and where the aspirations of persons or families were dominant. Cicero enclosed his row completely to the advantage of the status quo and the past rulers of Rome for centuries.He probably have profoundly hoped to trust in a concordance of the guidelines and this is the capability of every Roman to work as one. Determining that no one ought to continually accumulate excessive authority or control had get nearer to signify that any reformer was ruined in spite of whether his reorganization was excellent or terrible is the most. It is because to execute them may gain him so much thankful patrons. Probably the most grave in estimating whether the Republic could have viably sustained devoid of Caesar’s measures is to acknowledge this thinking.All of those under pressure to tackle the troubles of the late empire, from the era of Gracchi to Caesar, were all destroyed. Transformation was badly required and no modification appeared probable inside the structure. This perspective is the result of all transformations. Caesar was the only one who lived long enough to start changing the perspective. The main reason why he died is because he did this without enough cruelty. After another war and 20 years of turmoil, the people of Rome acknowledged that dictatorship may be preferable to sovereignty if it conveyed harmony in its way.Unlike Caesar, Augustus was able to make in the course of a technical civil service. This is a vent for the wealthy and determined adolescent noble to perform for his nation devoid of resorting to aggression. (Cross) Reference: Cross, Suzanne. â€Å"Julius Caesar: The Last Dictator; A Biography of Caesar and Rome 100-44 B. C. † 2002-2006. October 27, 2006. . Lendering, Jona. â€Å"Gaius Julius Caesar†. 2006. Livius: Articles on ancient history. October 27 2006. .

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Market Economy

THE ADVANTAGES OF FREE MARKET ( DISADVANTAGES OF COMMAND ECONOMY ) 1. Efficiency. free market economies are very competitive. Most of their industries are assumed to be perfectly competitive and so allocative and productive efficiency will occur. As their main aim is profit motive so free market economies allocate their resources more efficiently as compared to planned economy. Decisions about what to produce are made by the people who will actually consume the goods. Planners are less likely to make the correct decisions across the whole economy. 2. Choice. In free market consumer sovereighnty prevails.Firms will produce whatever consumers are prepared to buy not what they think they think they would like to buy. As consumer needs are going to be met with appropriate product than firms will make higherr profit and will last much longer in the market . Due to the free enterprise factor, there are no restrictions on what the firms can produce as a result there will be a much larger ch oice of goods and services in a free market economy compared with a command economy. The planner will be more concerned in making sure there are enough essential goods to produce the product they want to produce.As firms in free market will be producing different good and services so consumers will have variety of good and sevices to choose from. 3. Innovation. Firms will always be looking to produce something new to get ahead of their competitors. , even though the government's role is limited, one of its jobs is to protect property rights. This will include intellectual property rights through patents. Hence, there are incentives in the free market system for firms to be innovative and produce better quality products. DISADVANTAGES OF FREE MARKET ECONOMY ( ADVANTAGES OF COMMAND ECONOMYPublic, merit and demerit goods. Public goods cannot be provided privately because of their two characteristics, non-diminishability and non-excludability. These goods have to be provided publicly. E ven in a very free market, one of the government's few roles will be to provide defence, for example. But there may be a problem with merit goods and demerit goods. Merit goods, like health and education, tend to be under provided in a free market. Certainly in the USA the public health system is a ‘last resort' system. People are advised to buy health insurance.Of course, the poor might not be able to afford this, and some people might simply decide not to bother if they feel particularly healthy. Demerit goods are bad for you. Government should ban class A drugs, and tax cigarettes and alcohol heavily. A government with a limited role might not take enough action in this area, causing health problems for the economy. Of course, the advantage of a command economy is that the strong government will make sure that public and merit goods are consumed at the right levels and that demerit goods are banned or taxed heavily.The environment. Free market economies are likely to produc e more pollution, which is bad for the environment. Command economies can make sure that the production processes that they chose are as environmentally friendly as possible. They should be able to make sure that the level of output is the socially optimal level of output. Governments can try to force firms into producing the socially optimal level of output through the use of taxes, but governments with a limited role will not be keen to use taxes.Although the tax on petrol is high in the UK, it still doesn't cover the problems caused by the exhaust emissions (in health as well as the environment). Petrol prices have risen, but in real terms, the rise has not been as high as for bus and rail fares. In the USA, petrol is ridiculously cheap. The minimal tax on the good does not begin to cover the environmental damage. Having said all that, the command economies of the 80s had notoriously poor records on the environment. In theory, they should have been able to monitor pollution level s closely, given that they had control of production but this simply did not hapeen.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Counseling Ethics Essay

Ethics are based on philosophical principles and these guidelines assist a practitioner in making the best possible decisions for the welfare of the clients and the practitioner himself. Ethics are normative or critical in nature and concern human conduct and moral decision. Morality describes decision making and judgement by an individual concerning an incident or human behaviour. This is greatly influenced by the values he or she has acquired or formed as a result of external influence or indoctrination. Value is an enduring belief that a specific that a specific end-state of conduct is desirable (McLeod, 1998). Terminal and instrumental values are two types of values where the former refer to the desired end-state of existence, for example wisdom and the later refer to the mode of conduct that leads to it, for example broad-mindedness .Values then influence and determine the decisions we choose to make in our daily lives. In providing an effective, therapeutic therapy, a practitioner helping a client encountering dilemma in decision- making may adopt the eight – step model approach to think through the ethical problems (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2007). The steps of the model are described as follows: Step 1- Identify the problem or dilemma. In the first step the existence of the problem must be recognised. The nature of the problem has to be ascertained. Identify if it is an ethical, legal, moral, professional or clinical problem. The practitioner’s and the client’s insights regarding the problem must be examined. Consultation with the client can begin at this stage as problems are being identified. Looking at the problem from different perspectives is useful as most ethical dilemmas are complex. Step 2 – Identify the potential issues involved. From the collected information, irrelevant ones must be discarded. The critical issues must be noted and described. The welfare of those involved; their rights and responsibilities must be evaluated. Ethical principles relevant to the problem must be identified and examined with the client. In doing so the moral principles namely, autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, justice and fidelity must be considered and applied to the  situation. The safety and welfare of the client and practitioner cannot be compromised while potential issues are being sorted out. Step 3- Review the relevant ethics codes. The practitioner must seek guidance that can be found from the professional codes of ethics. They provide a basis for accountability, and through their enforcement, provide protection for clients from unethical practices (Corey, 1997). Practitioner must also examine the agreeability of his values with the relevant codes. Should they be in conflict, he must have a rationale to support his stance. It is essential to consider congruency of these values and ethics with those of the client’s. The practitioner must ensure clarity of the ethical codes and if they are applicable with the state laws of the region. Step 4- Know the applicable laws and regulations. The practitioner should be up to date with the specific and relevant laws that apply to the ethical issue. This is particularly critical in situations which deal with keeping or breaching of confidentiality, reporting of child or elder abuse, record keeping, assessment, diagnosis, issues pertaining to dangers to self or others and the grounds of malpractice. Step 5- Obtain consultation. Consulting with colleagues to obtain different perspectives on the problems is generally considered to be helpful. Seeking legal counsel for legal questions is prudent along with consulting a person with an expertise in an unfamiliar culture to serve a client from that culture. In addition the practitioner must understand current rules and regulations of the agency or organization that he or she is working for. It is wise for the nature of the consultation and suggestions provided to be documented. These records would illustrate the practitioner’s attempt to adhere to the community’s standard practice. Step 6- Consider possible and probable courses of action. At this point a list of a variety of courses of action may be identified  through brainstorming. The practitioner could discuss with the client as well as other professionals the available options. The possibilities could be identified for probable courses of actions and these should be documented. Step 7- Enumerate the consequences of various decisions. From the various possible courses of actions, implications of each course must be examined. The questions of who will be affected and to what extent will the client’s decision to pursue the actions affect them must be carefully examined. Again using the fundamental moral principles as a framework, the client must collaborate with the practitioner to ascertain the probable outcomes and consequences. If new ethical issues arise from the selected course of action, a re-evaluation of the action must be pursued. Step 8- Decide on what appears to be the best course of action. Careful consideration of all information received from different sources deliberately and with sensitivity to cross cultural issues is critical before making the best decision. Once making the decision, informing the supervisor, implementing and documenting the decision follows. Reflecting on the experience considering any follow up action could result in finding a solution for the client. While the procedural steps may help in resolving ethical matters, some implications may be noted. Firstly, the client enters a collaborative relationship with the practitioner. The implication is that the client with the practitioner’s help must draw out the details of the problem. This implicates that the client should refrain from coveting relevant information to enable an accurate analysis of the issue. This is to ascertain the true nature of the problem whether it is an ethical, legal, moral, professional, or clinical one. The different perspectives of the problem must be explored. What are the insights the client and practitioner have regarding the problem? (Corey et al., 2007). Failing which the consequence is an unnecessary delay in resolving the problem as there will be an inaccurate analysis of the situation. Secondly, in identifying the potential issues, all the persons involved in the problem must be identified. The implication of failing to identify any one individual who may be affected by the decision of the client would be unethical. The welfare, rights and responsibilities of those affected by the decision might create a different set of problems. The decision would then have to be reversed and a new course of action would have to be pursued. It is to therefore necessary to explore to what extent the course of the action will affect the client and the others (Corey et al., 2007). Next the values and ethics of the client and the practitioner must be evaluated and the degree of congruency noted. This implicates that the relevant ethical principles that are identified to the problem should not be in conflict with those of the client and the practitioner. If there are disagreements, then they must be supported with a rationale. If necessary, guidance must be sought from the relevant organization to clarify the professional codes to the particular problem. Otherwise consequently, the client’s decision may violate the ethical codes relevant to the issue. The client must be informed of the relevant and most recent laws or regulations that apply to the situation. He must look out for any law or regulations that have a bearing on the situation. The implication of his ignorance is that he may run into problems with the law. The practitioner too must abide by the rules, regulations and policies of the workplace. When in doubt practitioner must seek professional advice. The client must be informed of legal issues related to confidentiality, abuse of the vulnerable, record keeping and grounds for malpractice. If the practitioner discovers a criminal act by a client for example, sex with an under-aged girl he has the moral responsibility to report him. The practitioner has the ethical responsibility to discuss with the client on the implications of his actions before reporting the incident. The client must understand the implications of his actions that violate the law. The fundamental moral principles may be considered as framework for evaluating the consequences of the given course of action. The client must  decide the principles that apply to the situation specifically and prioritise them. By thinking through these ethical principles, professional can better evaluate their options in such complex situations. Prioritising the principles can help the client and practitioner to work through the steps of the decision-making model (Elizabeth, 2010). There are implications however when prioritizing one over another. The practitioner encourages the client to exercise autonomy i.e. making a free choice. In doing so, the client must have the concept of doing no harm or non-maleficence and acting in justice (Elizabeth, 2010). Conflict can arise when subscribing to justice which may result in the necessity of treating an individual differently. Though not easy to apply equal weightage to all the principles, it will help to explore an ethical dilemma and resolve it with the least damage to the welfare of those affected. The model may be useful when clients seek help in making decisions in their life regarding relationship issues. A client may be caught in a loveless marriage and be involved in an extra-marital affair and seek advice to take the next step in his life. The dilemma of whether to dissolve his marriage and move on with his life or stay in the marriage to fulfil his duties towards his wife and children is one that needs careful consideration. A divorce would mean breaking up of his family and causing a disruption in the relationship with his children. Staying in the marriage would mean the sacrifice of his love life. Analysing his situation using the model can shed light to clarify the implications of his actions and weigh the consequences. The model may help clients to make decisions at their place of work regarding conflicting work practices. An office worker may be tormented by the wrong practices of her fellow colleagues. She may be facing a dilemma as to whether to report her colleagues to the management or turn a blind eye to the situation. The model can help the client to analyse the situation and evaluate her moral values. She would then be able to make an ethical decision that would do least harm to those involved in the situation. In conclusion, the eight – step model can be a useful tool in helping a practitioner to guide clients to make sound decisions that do not have  conflict with their ethics and are aligned with the laws and regulations of the region. In doing so the practitioner must ensure that he or she is operating in the best interest of the clients.

Friday, September 27, 2019

To what extent have the issues of ethnic representation in the media Essay

To what extent have the issues of ethnic representation in the media changed over the past 40 years, use theory and examples to construct your answer - Essay Example Media creates a cultural pedagogy. Therefore it is clear that if media creates a cultural pedagogy then it plays a formidable role in representing the ethical or racial minorities. (Dines and Humez, 2002) Questions relating to the media and the minorities are always directed towards the representation of the minorities by the media because according to Mr. Masterman media is an essential system representation of representation or it may be said that it is concerned with the acute or specific representations of the minorities by the media. It is rightly said that media should not only look after the actual representation of the media but it should also be kept in mind that the minorities get adequate access of the media not only at the national and regional level but also at the local level because if the minorities do not get adequate access of the media they do not get the scope of knowing whether they are over represented or under represented by the media or whether the media is portraying their situation correctly or not.(Vargaftig, 1997) It has been studied and found out that the though the media represents the minorities but the way it represents the minorities actually  Ã‚  does trivialize, degrade, contradict them. Thus the media can be complained of misrepresenting the minorities and as the media misrepresents the minorities the others or the whites see the conditions of the minorities as shown and don’t understand the actual condition of the minorities and as a result what happens even if the people who are interested to help the minorities do not become aware of their pathetic condition and the minorities lose all chance of receiving help. The term Media encompasses everything ranging from internet, films, newspapers, and books and so on. More accurately media basically helps to disseminate information to the audience.   To be more precise

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Brain Fingerprinting 302 WK5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brain Fingerprinting 302 WK5 - Essay Example According to Daubert guidelines, new questions would be answered before fingerprints could be entered into evidence. Due to this decision, the court had to introduce five criteria that had to be achieved before evidence could be considered scientific. The first question that must be answered concerns peer review, and sound methodology. The second question involves a known error rate, the third involves testable hypothesis, fourth involves application outside of legal proceedings, and fifth question involves general acceptance (Hensen, 2006). Brain fingerprinting continues to face challenges regarding twins. Twins have the same DNA, but different fingerprints. In addition, the main challenge to brain fingerprinting lies in the fact that there is a lack of universal standards for comparing fingerprints. Several mismatches of partial fingerprints have been encountered (Hensen, 2006). This criterion involves using a particular scientific technique. In other words, it shows the likelihood of being wrong in the case whereby the scientist has asserted that alleged crime has a particular effect. The known potential error should be small, about 1-5 percent (Roth, 2010). This criterion measures the extent at which the actions of the scientist produce results that are scientifically knowledgeable. Appropriate hypothesis testing techniques must be used on questions of interest to the scientific community. The general hypotheses testing techniques must be accepted after undergoing scrutiny by the scientific community (Roth, 2010). The theory must be peer reviewed before publication. The scientist’s peers must scrutinize the work before being published. This is the only ways objectivity of the fingerprinting can be achieved. After publication, the work is then expected to undergo further review by other experts (Roth, 2010). The hypothesis testing method should determine whether the

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 15

History - Essay Example One can hardly deny that there was some influence, but whether the Enlightenment was the primary reason for the French Revolution, or even significantly influenced it, is under question, though there can be no doubt that Enlightenment ideals and thoughts were put into practice during the French Revolution. With careful consideration, one might draw the conclusion that the French Revolution and the Enlightenment created a mutual influence that resulted in the central ideals and visions that fed the Revolution, perpetuated it, and gave it thoughts that were put into practice. Ultimately, this caused a new type of society in France, even as the Enlightenment created a new type of philosophical basis for scientific thinking. According to the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (2010), the Enlightenment involved revolutions not only in scientific thought, but also in the directions of philosophy, religion, society, and politics. In these areas, centuries-old ways of life were swept away and gave way to reason, logic, and a sense of equality among human beings. For example, one of the basic tenets of the Enlightenment, the fact that all men are entitled to basic human rights, was brought into practice even before the actual French Revolution began. It was expounded on in The Declaration of the Rights of Man and The Citizen, published in the French National Assembly in 1789 (â€Å"Declaration of the Rights of Man and The Citizen†). This document was the first document to set out these ideals and concepts with regards to the country of France itself; concepts which, above all, included freedom, liberty, and equality, founded upon the principles of human reason. It is but one example of how Enlighten ment ideals were put into practice in regards to the French Revolution, as the people of France were, in effect, finally stating that enough was enough, and demanding what they felt were their basic human rights (â€Å"Declaration of the Rights of Man and The

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Has Organisational Culture now replaced organisational Structure as Essay

Has Organisational Culture now replaced organisational Structure as the dominant method of management control in the organisation. reflect these controls with - Essay Example Taylor and Herbert Simon are all Americans. To enable the readers to fully understand the research question, the researcher will first define organizational structure as well as the organizational culture before comparing the difference between the two management control methods. Through the process of conducting a literature review, the researcher will identify the evolution of organizational structure and organizational culture. Prior to concluding as to whether or not organisational culture has totally replaced the importance of organisational structure as a more dominant method of management control within an organisation as well as whether or not it would be a good idea to consider whether these sorts of generalizations can be applied in a global manner or whether they tend to reflect the dominance of the US experience in management theory, the researcher will seek to examine the degree of detachment from the use of the formal rules and regulations within the UK government organization. Organizational structure is the structural pattern that is created within the organization based on the importance of each employee’s role. (Mabey, Salaman, & Storey, 2001; Mullins, 1993) The main purpose of the structure is to organize the allocation of work and responsibilities so as to hasten the accomplishment of the organizational goals. With the presence of an organizational structure, it is easier for the leaders to develop a strategic plan and control the internal activities within the organization. (Mabey, Salaman, & Storey, 2001) In line with the organizational structure is the classical bureaucracies which is normally based on a set of principles of hierarchy, authority as well as organizational control. (Weber, 1981 [1945]) These bureaucracies are structured into different compartmentalised hierarchial layers to determine the significance of the employees authoritative power

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Learnig styles and Personality types Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Learnig styles and Personality types - Essay Example Howard Gardner (1983), in his theory of multiple intelligences, proposed that learning, for every individual, is a distinctive combination of intelligences, resulting from one's distinctive abilities, challenges, experiences, and training (Stremba & Bisson, 2009). Individuals possess distinctive learning styles depending on their process of focusing, processing, assimilating and reproducing content. Effectiveness of learning is mostly influenced by the mode of communication which connects the learner with the learning, through words, pictures, thoughts, feelings (verbal, visual, nonverbal, kinesthetic), sounds, numbers etc (Ryan & Cooper 2008). The visual learners have a tendency to relate their learning to observed events, objects, situations thereby forming impressions that help them retrieve information when they visualize these events or objects. Auditory learners tend to grasp information presented to them in some form of sound, like lecture, recording, music, discussion etc. this is characteristic of a classroom teaching, learning through audio-visual aids in training sessions, or in group discussions. Kinesthetic learners are more inclined to learning through experimentation, touching, and feeling. These learners tend to learn more when they move around, act out concepts while reading and by touching or feeling structures such as historical monuments. Effective learning can be ensured by adopting specific strategies that can match these learning styles, and help in better understanding, remembering, relating to facts and better reproducibility. For this, assessment of personality type is also important. Myers-Briggs model identifies four types of personalities based on specific traits possessed by people; they are thinker, organizer, giver and adventurer (Carter, Bishop & Kravits 2007). Keeping in mind these personality types and the aforementioned learning styles, different strategies can be developed that will aid in effective communication and collaboration among different people within a group. For instance, organizers with visual learning style can use colorful flashcards to emphasize on main learning points, use visual aids, pictures, graphics, maps etc. Thinkers with visual learning can make use of innovative designs, puzzles, and specific problem solving methods. Givers with auditory learning style can ensure better learning by teaching others, conducting group discussions, and enacting plays. Enacting plays can also help the visual learners. Organizing group activities using physical resources skillfully and games involving different people can be used for kinesthetic learners. This will also help the thinkers as it will give them an opportunity to problem solving with different approaches. Conducting lab experiments or practical study, in case of arts, along with lectures will benefit people with all the three learning styles. This process will also make use of different characteristics of organizers, givers, and thinkers in bringing about

Monday, September 23, 2019

Climate Change Impacts & Trends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Climate Change Impacts & Trends - Essay Example According to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, 2014), the main cause of global warming is greenhouse effects because of the trend of human expansion. NASA named three gases as the main component that traps radiation in the atmosphere; these are methane, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. Other gases listed are the nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons. Human activities like the burning of oil and coal play a significant role in increasing greenhouse gases (Withgott, and Brennan, 2010). Accumulation of the greenhouse gases in the space traps radiations and cause the increase in temperatures (Freedman 2012a). The increasing temperature leads to melting of the snows, which results in rising water sea levels. A rise in water sea level reduces the land for agriculture as well as changed ecosystem in the Arctic and Antarctica. Such changes in weather and climate patterns over years would lead to changes in the biodiversity, these have devastating effects on land and marine ecosystems because it affects the flora and fauna (Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno, 2010; Van Aalst, 2006). The long-term effect is the emergence of diseases that are resistance to available drugs because they get adapted to the environment very fast hence uncontrolled diseases. Besides, the abnormal warm sea surface temperature, as well as the disappearance of Arctic sea ice, contributed significantly to these changes in weather patterns and the impact on property, land, and human life was massive especially in New Jersey, New York.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Architecture Research Paper Kansai International Airport Essay Example for Free

Architecture Research Paper Kansai International Airport Essay The Kansai International Airport designed by architect Renzo Piano is a very fascinating and unique building. It construction combines a man-made island, a high-tech new age looking structure and creative architectural design to create one of the biggest and most expensive airports in the world as seen to right in (Figure-1a). Human use of Kansai Airport is best expressed by the lecture topics discussed in class that include: Designation and Organization of Use, Architectural Determinism, Humanism at a Personal Scale, and Humanism at the Scale of Neighborhoods / Communities/Bureaucracies and Meaning in Architecture. In the Professor Speck’s class lecture over Designation and Organization of Use, there are many themes that I feel parallel with the design of Kansai International Airport. In lecture Professor Speck said that the overall environment a building is in encourages both the behavioral aspects and the physical environment, which in turn alters the shape behavior of the building. This statement correlates perfectly to Kansai Airport, because first of all the building is built of the coast of Osaka, Japan on a made-island. So before the building is built there is already a sense of behavioral and physical difference that sets it apart from other buildings. According to the lecture space is designated for three reasons. The first reason being the practicality of the designated space, then the injection of certain cultural values and taboos and finally the intrinsic human need to claim pace- intervals and community. Also, he said that when architects are planning the zoning for building they consider time, efficiency and machines. Kansai Airport was built because of a need for a big international airport; however, Piano had to find an alternate location due to the crowdedness of the Osaka Bay area. Thus, he used the theme of designation and organization use to come to the conclusion of a manmade island. Piano decision for the island can be compared to early American houses expressed in the book The Place Houses. In the book the authors describe how the early houses in New England, Virginia and Deep South differed in design to help adapt to there environment. However, after Piano solved the problem of where the airport would be built he still had to decide how long to make the island so it could house the massive structure. The final decision was for the island to be four kilometers long and one kilometer wide. The Phaidon Press describes this well in the book On Tour with Renzo Piano when they write, â€Å"Projects such as Kansai International Airport are so large in scale that they are almost impossible to grasp. †(p. 7). The size of the island is seen from an aerial view above in (Figure 2-a). Architectural Determinism, as mentioned by Professor Speck, played an important role in the design and construction of the Kansai Airport. The interior of the building is very easy to navigate around. Transparent glass helps calm people down and at the same time speed up the process of arrival and departure. The long and narrow design allows for a nearly infinite field of vision, creating a stress free and carefree environment. This is described well in the book Renzo Piano when Emilo Pizzi writes, â€Å"The desire to maximize transparency between the various areas allocated to embarkation and arrival procedures mans that precedence is given at every point to the passengers need to find their way, as well as enabling them to see the planes parked in front of the building through windows. † (p. 228). Rather than some buildings where people can feel like a needle in hay stack and get lost easily, Kansai International is very easy to navigate through even with its massive size. The transparency of the interior that results in easy and efficiency of movement from one place to another is apparent in (Figure 3-a) right and above. The next issue presented in lecture related to the Kansai Airport is Humanism at a Personal Scale. The assortment of different kinds of plant life inside the terminal give let the airport connect with the people walking through it. The plants help to offset the cold, unwelcoming feeling that is given off by the vast amount of steel, high ceiling and open spaces. Also helping to offset this unwelcoming feeling is the beautiful view of the Osaka Bay. The large glass windows combined with sun reflecting off the water allows a lot of natural light into the terminal. As expressed in the book The Place of Houses natural light helps give a warm vivid feeling to room that will stay in our minds long after we walk out of that room. Another small but import feature of Kansai Airport is the small signs that give directions. While all airports have these signs, they are especially important particularly in this massive terminal. Convenience of restaurants and stores also helps the airport to connect to the people walking through it on a more personal scale. This range of activities helps everyone that is arriving or departing feel a little bigger in such a enormous place. All of the small tributaries from the restaurants, stores, etc. lead to a â€Å"canyon† area that is the focal point of the terminal. Again this is to try and make arrival and departure run more smoothly. This is explained well in the book Renzo Piano when Emilo Piano writes, â€Å"Inside, the different levels convene into the â€Å"canyon,† a tall atrium occupying the fall of the height of the building, which acts as a sorting point for those arriving or disembarking off the planes. † (p. 28). The importance of focus is also cited in the book The Place of Houses, which says that the â€Å"focus† of a room is one of the most important and critical characteristics, because they (foci) are meant help to organize the room around the center of interest. In this case is canyon is both the center of interest and the â€Å"gateway† to the re st of the terminal. In (Figure 4-a) right and above one can clearly see how the â€Å"canyon† along with the massive signs help to make Kansai International Airport more manageable and how it helps to cater to people on a more humanistic and personal scale. Humanism at the Scale of Neighborhoods/Communities/Bureaucracies is the next issue I will discuss and its connection with the Kansai International Airport. I think that buzzing, busy atmosphere makes the people in the terminal feel warm and jovial. While it could be argued that to many persons walking scurrying through the airport at the same time could be disturbing and annoying, I think that like the plants, stores and restaurant the sea of people helps to fill the gigantic inside space of the terminal. However, if Kansai were compared to a city I would definitely compare it to one of the larger metropolises in the US, simply because of number of people and the crowded feeling it gives off. I think that the feel in the terminal would be like an exaggerated effect of what west campus is like during the afternoon of a school day. Both require a lot of walking and there is almost no opportunity to drive an automobile through either. Although I do not believe that Kansai Airport is necessarily a bad environment, it is certainly not a nurturing one. In lecture Professor Speck pointed out that there are eight principles of nurturing communities. They are as follows, convenience, wide range of articles, wide range of activities, sense of human presence, personal human scale, variety of visual experiences, freedom from intrusion of disturbance and natural relief. In my opinion Kansai Airport satisfies all of them except for intrusion of distraction, which is definitely does not satisfy because of the mass amounts of people. Emilo Pizzi explains this well in Renzo Piano when we he writes, â€Å"The place seems to evoke the turmoil of Japanese cities, but also the spirit of a millenary civilization†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 228). Although Kansai is not terrible as far as its Humanism at the Scale of Neighborhood/Communities/Bureaucracies is concerned it is definitely not as personable as the examples given in lecture, such as Kresege College in California, Byker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England, Tapiola New Town, Finland or the Crown Fountain, Millennium Park, Chicago. The final issue that Professor Speck discussed about in lecture was the Meaning of Architecture. The issue begins with the visual culture progression in the past fifty years leading to both greater reading comprehension and greater visual comprehension; architecture had to progress as well. Thus, architects started to use certain ways to â€Å"communicate† these ways of communication include Literal Direct Communication (LDC), Literal Indirect Communication (LIC) and Abstract. An example of LDC is a billboard of a cow with the caption â€Å"eat more,† so physically the meat is depicted. An example of LIC would be a picture of Bevo with the caption â€Å"We’re Texas. † Finally Abstract is defined as depicting certain feeling, colors, shapes, etc. I believe that Kansai International Airport is a combination of LDC and Abstract, because it looks like an airport with runways, planes, etc. but also is made of very unique shapes that set it apart from any other building. The uniqueness of Kansai that make it abstract are demonstrated well in Renzo Piano when Emilo Pizzi writes, â€Å"From the air, the building looks like a shining flag that cheerfully greets the traveler from the vast artificial island. The image stays in the mind when, having landed, the plane comes to a halt in front of the large metallic facade of the building. † (p. 224). A visual Kansai is flag-like structure and its Abstract communication is clearly depicted in (Figure 5-a) below. In conclusion, Professor Speck discussed many issues in lecture that distinguished the human and personal use of buildings all over the globe. The issues consisted of : Designation and Organization of Use, Architectural Determinism, Humanism at Personal Scale, Humanism at the Scale of Neighborhoods/ Communities/Bureaucracies and Meaning in Architecture. These issues/topics are especially vital in expressing the personal and human architectural use of Kansai International Airport. Theses issue give a small sample of truly how creative and unique Kansai Airport’s Architect Renzo Piano is and how impressive and world renounced Kansai International is by both world-class architects and just the every day observer alike. This airport with its manmade island and unique high-tech look will always be remembered and will mostly definitely used as a model for airports and other buildings in the future.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effects Of Making Assumptions Based On Stereotypes Social Work Essay

Effects Of Making Assumptions Based On Stereotypes Social Work Essay Stereotype reflects the perception one has of other individuals based on their different physical abilities, emotional appearance, religious, cultural disposition, sexual orientation or ethnicity without knowing anything personal about that person and these views are often connected to experiences, observations or other influences such as the media. I will first outline below some of the reasons why it is important to avoid making assumptions based on stereotypes when providing care for someone and then later on show how individual care workers can guard against doing this. Making assumptions, based on stereotypes, when providing care for someone can have a negative effect on the quality of care, as illustrated in the case of Mhà  iri who suffered from a stroke and needed a wheelchair but opted instead for personal care at home. The care manager, Stuart, who did the assessment could have found out about her sexual preference had he not assumed because she was married that her relationship with partner Gillian was heterosexual. This would have allowed more sensitivity to be shown by the carers when attending to her personal needs. The stereotypical assumption that disabled people cannot communicate would have the consequence of them not being listened to properly and this would deny them the right to appropriate services and having a voice. This would impact on their individuality and personal needs, thereby affecting the quality of care being provided. As one participant wheelchair user pointed out in Its like when you go to the hospital or the doctors, if you go with anybody because youre in a wheelchair they dont address you, they look over you and that really infuriates me. This underscores the need to speak directly with the service users rather than making assumptions that they are helpless or not capable of discussing their caring needs. Showing narrow-mindedness because an assumption is made based on stereotype, is being prejudice and this was highlighted in Gypsy Travellers report about prejudice within the health care service. It can prevent Gypsies from gaining access to appropriate medical services such as the barrier presented by a receptionist the receptionist are harder to get past à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I think theyre doing the doctor a favour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I did something good today, I kept the Gypsies away. Another stereotypical assumption illustrated in is that people with mental health problems are prone to violence such was the case of Simon Jackson. However, he was just reaching out for help and often misunderstood, as he was suspicious of any authority figure. Making stereotypical assumptions can prevent people receiving appropriate care and if a carer has a prejudicial view it could further complicate the matter and deter users from accessing the services. For example, as given in, a disabled lesbian fel t that she was seen as somehow unnatural or abnormal. However, when these beliefs are carried through, it becomes discrimination. An example of this provided in K101 Block 3 Unit 10 where council estate residents were seen as failures and not interested in academic success. In providing care for someone in a local community, care workers should recognise and value diversity, that is, people are different and should be treated differently but fairly to avoid inequality and discrimination. Therefore, it should not be assumed that providing personal care for an Asian female would be the same or similar to that for a white European female. Care workers need to be culturally sensitive and take into account the differences in peoples lifestyles and family relationships. As in people with speech impediments are sometimes stereotyped as being deaf and are often shouted at when communicating and this should not be indicative of all people with such a disability. When providing care for someone with this disability, a carer needs to be more informed about that persons capabilities before engaging to avoid any communication barriers or leaving that person feeling demoralised. It may sometimes be necessary to use stereotypes and make assumptions as it can act as a guide to help in decision-making, such as when organizing a social event for older people in a care home as this could be the target audience and provide the opportunity to cater to their specific needs. Individual care workers can guard against making assumptions based on stereotypes by being more tolerant and make every effort to understand that person better. The care worker should find out what help a disabled person needs instead of assuming what they think they need based on previous experiences or observations. It is important for care workers to avoid being condescending when disabled people are accompanied by their cares but should communicate directly with the disabled persons. If the care worker is not able to understand someone with a hearing impairment, they could ask the person to tell them how they prefer to communicate and not pretend to have understood them when they have not or they could become familiar with that persons method of communication and find ways of keeping that communication going with aids such as Mankaton or other similar sign language. It is essential to identify that there are different religious, cultural and other particular needs of people, ther efore care workers should also see service users as individuals and tailor care according to their individual preferences so that appropriate services can be provided. Care workers need to develop a knowledge and understanding of how the law affecting disability and discrimination as the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 protects disabled people and does not only apply to people who have a physical disability, visual or hearing impairment but can also cover people with learning disabilities. In addition, they should also be familiar with the Race Relations Act 1976, as it is unlawful to discriminate against a person on ground of race, colour, ethnic origin or nationality. An example of this was demonstrated in with an account given by Roz, a white nurse when a patients wife made loud racist remarks that she thought it was disgusting that her husband should be in a bay with three black men on their own which offended the men. Roz did not collude with this racist view by changing the ir bays but instead left the men to sort it out amongst themselves, after gaining their views. In conclusion, an assumption based on stereotypes when providing care for someone should be avoided as it could be construed as being prejudicial or discriminatory and is likely to have a negative Impact on the service user. Individual care workers can guard against doing this by recognising the diverse global village we live in and be respectful of other peoples cultural, religious beliefs and ethnicity as well as any government legislation relating to disability and discrimination.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Social Media on Business Marketing

Impact of Social Media on Business Marketing The subject of this report is the impact of social media, cloud computing, and video conferencing technologies on business marketing. The purpose of this report is to provide research for these three technologies and recommend how each one of them can be applied to our firms marketing efforts. Nine out of ten companies indicate that their social media activity has led to increased exposure, and according to research, half of them recognize improved sales (Holmes, 2015). Further, 92% of marketers conclude that the use of social media is critical to their business (Demer, 2015). Per Kevin Akeroyd of Oracle Marketing Cloud, cloud technologies require minimal capital outlay since servers and other hardware do not need to be purchased, updated, or maintained, cloud vendors update their software often, which improves adaptability, and integration with other cloud-based applications is usually streamlined (Springer, 2016). Findings from a 2015 Aberdeen survey confirm the advantages of video conferencing, as technology users were deemed to have 74% more success in engaging current sales prospects and were able to collect more new leads than non-users. The survey also found that those companies who employ video conferencing technologies as part of their overall marketing strategy e njoy 30% greater efficiency (as cited in Chang, 2016). I recommend that our firm establish a presence on multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. In todays day and age, with the incredible number of consumers using social media, and the time that they dedicate to interacting on the platform, I believe it makes perfect sense for our firm to utilize the marketing capabilities of this medium. Research has shown that most companies already employ social media in their overall business strategies, and those that do, have made gains in exposure, improved sales, and enhanced customer loyalty and conversion rates. These facts dictate that our business use social media as well to remain competitive. I recommend our company use an e-mail marketing application provider. It is my belief that we should approach this technology conservatively, beginning one application, so we do not commit too much of our marketing efforts or capital to marketing cloud applications. The e-mail service will prove beneficial, as it offers us an avenue to directly market to our current customers and leads, drive traffic to our website, and will save the firm in terms of print and mailing costs. The ability to automate this function will save our staff time, and the capacity to directly track the success from our e-mail advertisement will provide our marketers relevant information and help in determining if further marketing cloud application expenditures could be necessary and beneficial. I recommend that our company provide all marketing and sales personnel with video conferencing capabilities, including any necessary hardware and software. With this technology, marketers will be able to facilitate a face-to-face meeting with clients, prospects, each other, and sales staff from any location, and from nearly any internet capable device. This will save the company in the form of travel expenditures, as well reduce the amount of unproductive time spent traveling to meeting locations. More people will be able to be involved in key meetings and productivity of these meetings will improve, as an important aspect of communication, non-verbal cues, will be displayed. It is my belief that this technology is an important offering to our current and prospective clientele in terms of convenience. For instance, a client or prospect will be able to clearly view a product demonstration and ask any necessary follow-up questions from his or her home computer, as opposed to traveling to our office or some other meeting site. This may lead to improved customer relations. Further, as studies indicate, the employment of video conferencing technology in our marketing strategy can increase success in current and new lead engagement. The subject of this report is the impact of social media, cloud computing, and video conferencing technologies on business marketing. The purpose of this report is to provide research for these three technologies and recommend how each one of them can be applied to our firms marketing efforts. Social media utilization has provided increased exposure to firms, which has positively affected marketing efforts and correlated with improved sales. Also, social media marketing has also shown to improve customer conversion rates. Cloud marketing technologies are vast and companies are employing them for cost-effective, customizable advertising. Many providers are offering cloud-based applications to manage each facet of a companys digit marketing efforts. Finally, video conferencing technology is valuable when used as part of the marketing strategy. Research is showing that face-to-face interaction increases marketing productivity, decreases associated travel costs, and helps to more effectively engage customer leads. Social Media Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are being used by businesses as modern-day tools to network with and target consumers. Per a Pew Internet Project, seventy-five percent of adults in the United States, with access to the internet, are on some form of social media. Additionally, according to the Global Web Index, social media users log in an average of about 12 hours per week (as cited in Holmes, 2015). As detailed by Ryan Holmes (2015), these statistics are driving nine out of ten businesses in the U.S. to engage in social media marketing. Holmes (2015) notes, 90 % of businesses see increased exposure and more than half report improved sales from social media. In 2014, more than nine out of ten marketers said that using social media for marketing was critical in their business and eight out of ten believed their efforts on social media enhanced traffic to their websites. According to DeMer (2015), social media marketing has exhibited the ability to incre ase brand recognition and loyalty, facilitate additional opportunities to attract new customers, and improve customer conversion rates. In fact, according to some studies, social medias conversion rate, is 100% greater than that of traditional marketing (DeMers, 2015). Further, the barrier to entry in social media marketing is insignificant, as it is normally free to create an account, and social media affords marketers the chance to monitor consumer behavior, such as user comments, which may yield very precious feedback about their business. In a controlled, systematic study performed by Kumar, Bezawada, Rishika, Janakiraman, and Kannan (2016), the effect of firm-generated content, that is firm-initiated marketing communication of a select company, was tested in relation to consumer buying behaviors and profitability. In it, two test groups were established. The treatment group, which consisted of individuals who chose to receive the selected firms social media marketing content, and the control group, which consisted of those who chose not to. According to Kumar, et al., prior to the firms social media marketing engagement, both groups participants and their spending and cross-buying habits were statistically similar. Weekly overall spending for both groups was within $0.17 and the number of different products purchased (cross-buying) was within .13. The study concluded that, after the firm had embarked on its social media marketing campaign, overall spending for the treatment group rose to $15.96 per week. This figure was now $1.43 more than the control groups weekly spending. Additionally, the treatment group purchased an average of .59 more products per week than the control group. Last, the study also presented that those customers who partook in the firms social media contributed $1.02 more overall to the companys net profit (Kumar, Bezawada, Rishika, Janakiraman, and Kannan, 2016). There are a few negatives to marketing with social media. One is that users are able to post whatever they want about your business, so marketers can lose control of their messaging very quickly. This can be disastrous if a group of angry, dissatisfied customers begin posting negative reviews about the company. Also, while the cost of entry to social media platforms is insignificant, time does need to be invested to properly nurture the marketing campaign. Depending on resources, this may prove problematic for some firms (The Advantages and Disadvantages,n.d.). Analysis: It is apparent that social media is a powerful, contemporary, multi-faceted tool for our marketing department to employ. Based on the sheer number of individuals utilizing the platform and the time they spend being logged in, social media activity can expand our firms market through improved exposure. Also, as evidenced by the academic studies, social media marketing efforts can increase overall sales, profitability, customer loyalty, and the barriers to entry are insignificant. While there are a few potential pitfalls, it is clear that the advantages of social media marketing outweigh the disadvantages. Cloud Computing Cloud computing is the process of storing and accessing data and programs via the internet. The term cloud, in essence, is another word for internet. Cloud computing takes programs that are run on either a local PC or network server and migrates them to the internet (Griffith, 2016). The term marketing cloud refers to the combination of internet-based, digital marketing tool used to advertise to consumers and collect and manage their data. These tools range from a firms official website and social media pages to powerful, online software suites that, in real-time, track consumer data, such as website traffic, and integrate these analytics with the companys website, social media, and e-mail management. Providers, such as Salesforce and Adobe, offer individual cloud-based applications and program bundles (suites), which can manage each piece of a companys digital media. When employed in unison, these suites provide marketers a place to access integrated customer profiles and present co ordinated messaging across all digital marketing platforms (Kantrowitz, 2014). There are thought to be several key advantages to cloud marketing. First, cloud marketing can be more cost-effective than traditional marketing, as the company message is delivered digitally, rather than by a printed medium, such as a brochure or newspaper ad. This saves money on ad placement, as well as mailing costs. Further, according Kevin Akeroyd of Oracle Marketing Cloud, cloud technologies require minimal capital outlay since servers and other hardware do not need to be purchased, updated, or maintained, cloud vendors update their software often, which improves adaptability, and integration with other cloud-based applications is usually efficient (Springer, 2016). Cloud marketing software is also scalable and customizable, so small businesses, who may not want or be able to afford a full suite of programs like those provided by Salesforce or Oracle, can choose an application that directly fits their needs, such as an e-mail marketing provider, which can automate e-mails to cus tomers and leads and directly track conversion rates (Springer, 2016). Further, cloud marketing applications are convenient for employees who do a lot of traveling, as they can be accessed from nearly any device with internet capability (Kantrowitz, 2014). Still, as some cloud marketing analysts note, there are issues with moving marketing efforts to the cloud. Depending on the amount of existing data that may need to be migrated, the time and monetary costs can be substantial. For instance, some companies have millions of customer records that may need to be moved (Kantrowitz, 2014). Also, the safety of data that is stored in the cloud is a concern, as customer data breaches have become a major issue in the digital age. This could subject sensitive customer data, such as credit card numbers and e-mail addresses, to theft. By some, on-site data storage is thought to be more secure. Also, companies need to have quality customer data and enough content to maximize the usefulness of these platforms. As analysts note, without specific content for the target demographic, the effectiveness of this powerful software diminishes (Springer, 2016). Analysis: Marketing cloud technology offers an innovative set of tools for our marketers to use in expanding and solidifying the customer base. The scalability of cloud-based marketing applications is attractive us as a new business, as use can grow and expand as our company develops. Further, the reduction in physical marketing materials and associated costs and reduced need for large capital expenditures, such as servers, makes the marketing cloud a cost-effective option for our marketing efforts. There are a few legitimate risks that require examination before fully diving into cloud marketing, as data security is of extreme importance. Research of the different application providers and any history of past breaches should be performed. Video Conferencing Video conferencing is a technology that allows two or more individuals the ability to communicate, both visually and audibly, in real-time and from separate locations. The technology ranges from the broadcasting of static images and text between just two locations, to the transmitting of high-quality audio and video between a series of locations. With the greater availability of PCs and mobile devices with built-in cameras, and services which facilitate live video chat, the use of video conferencing has become pervasive in personal and business interactions (Rouse, n.d.). According to May Chang (2016), marketers are leveraging the advantages of video conferencing technologies in many ways. Video conferencing is being used by marketers to reach clientele and team members who are on the other side of the country and possibly world. Some of the premier modes of marketing utilization include live product demonstrations for prospects, web-based educational seminars, and on-demand marketin g presentations. This enhanced form of communication results in boosted productivity and can translate into more success by the sales team. Findings from a 2015 Aberdeen survey confirm some the advantages of video conferencing, as technology users were deemed to have 74% more success in engaging current sales prospects and were able to collect more new leads than non-users. The survey also found that those companies who employ video conferencing technologies as part of their overall marketing strategy enjoy 30% greater efficiency (as cited in Chang, 2016). Further, the face-to-face nature of video conferencing, with introduction of non-verbal cues, provides for richer communication between teams that cannot be in the same physical location. This is key, per Chang, as meetings where marketing strategy is discussed can be very intricate and passionate. This type of productive communication allows marketers to more quickly advance, comprehensibly define, and carry out their strategy (C hang, 2016). Finally, video conferencing technology can save marketers in terms of travel and other associated expenses, as meetings are able to be held from any internet-enabled location. While there are plenty of advantages to video conferencing technology, according to Loveleena Rajeev (2016), there are a few negatives for marketers to consider. One of the main drawbacks is technical difficulties that conference participants may experience. This can be the result of low-internet bandwidth, power outages, or software or hardware failure by any of the parties involved in the communication. Further, while communication is technically face-to-face, the lack of physical, personal interaction may hamper the effectiveness with which marketers can connect with their prospects or team members. As Rajeev notes, A handshake and an eye contact are essential aspects of many business meetings. Finally, depending on the extent of features required or desired by a firm, cost may be prohibitive, especially for small businesses and start-ups. Analysis: Video conferencing technology is a resource that our marketers can utilize on multiple levels. As research indicated, live, face-to-face communication can help our marketers more successfully pursue contacts and leads, as well as develop new prospects without having to travel. This saves our firm in terms of a host of marketing travel expenses. Furthermore, because video conferencing can provide deeper, clearer levels of communication, I believe that the technology can help our firms marketing department to more proficiently and successfully interact with each other, current customers, and leads. This, in turn, can positively affect our productivity and sales. While there are a few noted negatives to the technology, I believe, overall, it can prove as an advantage in our marketing efforts. Recommendation for Social Media: I recommend that our firm establish a presence on multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. To implement this recommendation, a committee will be formed to better define our overall social media strategy and goals. Once clear goals are in place, the partners will interview current staff to determine if any individual has the knowledge and desire to undertake creating and managing each account or if a consultant may need to be contracted. Finally, an assessment of the firms current technology will be performed to confirm that we have all technical capabilities in place to move forward with the social media plan. Justification: As the number of consumers using social media has soared, and the amount of time that they spend on the platform increased, it has become necessary for businesses to develop a social media presence. As researched, many of the companies that market to consumers through social media recognize an upsurge in exposure, improved sales, and enhanced customer loyalty and conversion rates. Furthermore, the initial cost of social media marketing is minimal, as it is free to create accounts on most platforms. Finally, because we know that much of our competition will be using social media to develop and maintain their market, it is imperative that we do so as well. Recommendation for Cloud Computing: I recommend our company use an e-mail marketing provider. To implement, the partners will contract with an IT specialist to review the various application providers and their costs. The firms marketing department will consolidate all client and lead e-mail addresses on an Excel spreadsheet and present the partners with advertising content conceptualizations. Once a platform has been selected, webinars will be scheduled to train our marketing staff on how to properly set-up and utilize the application. Justification: While there are a myriad of cloud marketing options available to our company, and certainly research to indicate their advantages, at this point we are in the growing stage, and it is my belief that we should operate conservatively, begin with one application, and not commit too much of our marketing efforts or money to the marketing cloud applications. The e-mail service will provide us an avenue to directly market to our current customers and leads, drive traffic to our website, and will save the firm in terms of print and mailing costs. The application can be accessed from any internet-enabled location, which makes for convenient access to our staff. Further, the purchase can serve as a stepping stone to other marketing cloud applications. As our business continues to grow and stabilize, we can analyze the success of the e-mail service provider and determine if more cloud marketing applications might be beneficial to operations. Recommendation for Video Conferencing: I recommend that our company provide all key marketing and sales personnel with video conferencing capabilities, including any necessary hardware and software. To facilitate this process, the partners will determine who, in the marketing and sales departments, it will be critical to supply with access to video conferencing capacities. An IT specialist will be consulted to determine the most cost effective pairing of available hardware and software. Once this has been determined, we will contract to have all components properly installed and tested. Justification: I believe the use of video conferencing technologies will be beneficial to our firm in many ways. First, our marketers will be able to facilitate a face-to-face meeting with clients, prospects, each other, and sales staff from any location, and from nearly any internet capable device. This will save the company in the form of travel expenditures, as well reduce the amount of unproductive time spent traveling to meeting locations. More people will be able to be involved in key meetings and productivity of these meetings will improve, as an important aspect of communication, non-verbal cues, will be displayed. Finally, it is my belief that this technology is an important offering to our current and prospective clientele in terms of convenience. For instance, a client or prospect will be able to clearly view a product demonstration and ask any necessary follow-up questions from his or her home or office computer, as opposed to traveling to our office or some other meeting site. Further, as studies indicate, the employment of video conferencing technology in our marketing strategy can increase success in current and new lead engagement. As evidenced by my research, social media, cloud computing, and video conferencing are all technological tools that can be employed in some form to aid our marketing staff. Social media has proven to be a powerful outlet for company marketing efforts, with many business recognizing an uptick in overall exposure and customer conversion rates. Further, studies suggest those customers engaged in company generated social media content provide increased sales. Cloud computing has also become a popular technology for businesses looking to modernize their marketing function. The use of marketing cloud platforms is pervasive because internet-based promotional efforts are thought to be cost-effective, as physical marketing materials and expensive hardware are not required. The scalability of cloud-based application offerings is also attractive to small businesses, as programs and services can be purchased on an a la carte basis. Last, video conferencing applications have shown to be useful in firm marketing. Marketers have found, and studies have shown, that the face-to-face nature of meetings conducted via video conferencing allow for more productive communication and correlate to an increase in ability to court sales prospects as well as develop new ones. I believe each of my recommendations will benefit the firm and our marketing efforts in meaningful ways. At the very least, the creation of a social media presence will provide exposure to consumers that we may not reach otherwise. Research has shown the ability to leverage that exposure into elevated brand loyalty, new customers and improved sales. No doubt, many of our competitors are already using the platform, and to maintain competition, we should as well. Our firm can benefit from the e-mail service provider, as the costs of physically distributed materials will decrease substantially. More, the ability to automate this function and track its success will provide our marketers relevant information, save our staff time, and help in determining if further marketing cloud applications expenditures may be necessary and beneficial. Finally, video conferencing technology will provide our marketing team with the ability to hold face-to-face meetings with each other, or clientele, from any internet capable PC or mobile device. This will save the firm in travel costs and curb unproductive time spent traveling to and from meetings. The use of video conferencing technology will also provide for more meaningful, constructive communication, which research has shown to translate into greater success in engaging current sales prospects, an increase in the capacity to generate new prospects, and a boost in our internal productivity. References    Chang, M. (2016, May 13). Why Best-in Class Marketing Requires Web/Video Conferencing. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from http://theworkspacetoday.com/2016/05/13/best-in-class-marketing-requires-webvideo-conferencing-to-drive-more-meaningful-results/ DeMers, J. (2015, September 20). The Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing. Retrieved March 08, 2017, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2014/08/11/the-top-10-benefits-of-social-media-marketing/#2da0fda91f80 Griffith, E. (2016, May 03). What Is Cloud Computing? Retrieved March 14, 2017, from http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372163,00.asp Holmes, R. (2015). Why Businesses Cant Survive Without Social Media. Fortune.Com, N.PAG Kantrowitz, A. (2014). Pros and Cons of the Marketing Cloud. Advertising Age, 85(12), 30. Kumar, A., Bezawada, R., Rishika, R., Janakiraman, R., Kannan, P. (2016). From Social to Sale: The Effects of Firm-Generated Content in Social Media on Customer Behavior. Journal of Marketing,80(1), 7-25. doi:10.1509/jm.14.0249 Rajeev, L. (2016, August 13). The Various Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Conferencing. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-video-conferencing.html Rouse, M. (n.d.). What is video conference (video conferencing)? Definition from WhatIs.com. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from http://searchunifiedcommunications.techtarget.com/definition/video-conference Springer, R. R. (2016). Is the Marketing Cloud Right for You?. Econtent, 39(5), 20-24. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2017, from https://www.webpagefx.com/internet-marketing/social-media-marketing-advantages-and-disadvantages.html

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Vertebrate Adaptions for Terrestrial Life Essay -- AP-Biology Biology

Vertebrate Adaptions For Terrestrial Life AP-Biology Essay on vertebrate structural adaptations for terrestrial life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The problems of survival of animals on land are very different from those of survival of animals in aquatic environment. Describe four problems associated with animal survival in terrestrial environments but not in aquatic environments. For each problem, explain a physiological of structural solution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Four problems faced by animals on land are breathing (respiration), water conservation in excretions, successful reproduction, and the producing an egg which can survive outside of the water.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All animals need to respire, but I have no idea why. Maybe you would like to answer that? Aquatic animals use gills, which are outgrowths from the body which increase surface area over which gas exchange can occur. Inside the gills of aquatic animals, the circulatory system removes oxygen, and delivers waste carbon dioxide. Land vertebrates have developed a different approach to the problem of gas exchange, as water is not present in all of the terrestrial environment. Terrestrial vertebrates have developed lungs to solve this problem. Air enters through the nasal passages, or the mouth, passes through the trachea, then branches off at the two bronchi, and goes through many branching passages called bronchioles, which end in alveoli. Alveoli are sack-like structures where the circulatory system meets the respiratory system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  S...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Alternative Fuels to Oil Essay -- energy oil power ethanol biodiesel h

Recently alternative fuels have been gaining popularity, especially here in the United States. The advantages of many of these fuels are being recognized with the rising cost of crude oil. Other countries around the world have been using alternative fuels for years, such as in Brazil where they have good feedstock for some fuels such as ethanol. Biofuels are also becoming cost effective with higher crude oil prices and can be completely renewable. The best thing about many of these alternative fuels is they can be readily used in standard internal combustion engines with little or no modification. The list of alternative fuels can go on forever, but some of the most common and readily adaptable fuels are: ethanol, biodiesel and hydrogen. Of course these fuels all have their drawbacks, but so do petroleum based fuels, we have just engineered around some of the disadvantages. The same thing can be done with these alternative fuels; engineer around the disadvantages. Most of these fuels do not release new carbon into the atmosphere which is a good thing, we don't need any extra carbon in the carbon cycle. The following pages explain what some of these more common fuels are as well as some advantages and disadvantages of each. Ethanol is a common fuel that can be produced from many different crops, for example corn is a common feedstock for ethanol production here in the United States. Other countries around the world produce large amounts of ethanol to power many of their vehicles. For example Brazil has a perfect climate to grow sugarcane, which is a great feedstock for ethanol. As a result many of their cars run on pure ethanol. Here in the United States you have probably heard of Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFV's) which are ... ...ever with the current technologies the most economical way to produce hydrogen is by using fossil fuels. To produce hydrogen by electrolysis a current is applied to water to seperate the hydrogen molecules from the oxygen. This process is actually pretty energy efficient, from about 50-75% efficient with theoretical efficiencies from 80-94% (Electrolysis-Wikipedia). What is the best way to transport hydrogen? Because it is a gas at standard temperature and pressure, large high pressure tanks are required to transport it. This can present some safety and widescale distribution issues. Another way to utilize hydrogen gas on vehicles is with fuel cells. These cells will convert hydrogen gas into electrical energy that can be used to drive the car. With our current fuel cell technology they have a relatively short lifetime and are expensive (Fuel Cell-Wikipedia).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Seasonal Variation Common Pediatric Problems Health And Social Care Essay

Background: Seasonal fluctuation is an of import public wellness phenomenon. Many common human diseases display predictable seasonal tendencies depending upon direct or indirect factors act uponing patient results. Pakistan lacks clear cut informations about this issue. Seasonal fluctuation assumes critical importance when it comes to paediatric disease in our set up. Our under 5 old ages mortality is one of the highest in WHO-EMRO part. Aims & A ; Aims: Present survey is aimed at observing and documenting seasonal tendencies in paediatric unwellnesss with highest morbidity and mortality rates in our state, viz. , acute stomach flu, asthma, URTI and LRTI. Material & A ; Methods: Retrospective reappraisal of Pediatric OPD databases for three ( 2006-2008 ) consecutive old ages in Kuwait Teaching Hospital was carried out by the research workers and instances run intoing inclusion standards were entered in survey database. Data was analyzed for seasonal tendencies utilizing Microsoft Excel 2007. Consequences: Clear cut seasonal tendencies were seen in Acute Gastroenteritis, URTI, Asthma aggravation and LRTI. Each disease displayed one-year extremums for three back-to-back old ages. Decision: Major paediatric slayers in our state show predictable seasonal tendencies that can be used for better readiness and improved results in paediatric population Keywords: Seasonal fluctuation, Acute Gastroenteritis, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Lower Respiratory Tract Infection, Asthma, Pediatrics, List of Abbreviations AGE Acute Gastroenteritis EMRO East Mediterranean Regional Office IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesss KTH Kuwait Teaching Hospital LRTI Lower Respiratory Tract Infection OPD Out Patient Department PMC Peshawar Medical College RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus URTI Upper Respiratory Tract Infection WHO World Health Organization List of Tables, Graphs and Figures Table 1: Entire figure of instances of selected diseases for each twelvemonth of survey at Kuwait Teaching Hospital Figure: Seasonal tendency of Acute Gastroenteritis ( AGE ) instances Figure: Seasonal tendency of instances with acute aggravation of asthma Figure: Seasonal tendency of instances with acute aggravation of URTI Figure: Seasonal tendency of LRTI instances Background Seasonal fluctuation is a well-known public wellness property of human unwellness. It is of import from epidemiologic position point and serves as an index of etiologies other than primary causative agent for a disease. Human immune responses, [ 1 ] , bacterial counts, [ 2, 3 ] , allergen denseness, exposure rates, [ 3, 4 ] and opportunity exposure, [ 5 ] are all seasonally determined. Bing able to foretell seasonal fluctuation in any disease is, intelligibly, an assistance in index of intuition, diagnosing and above all aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"Emergency Preparednessaa‚ ¬A? and preventative steps to incorporate disease. Outside primary attention, seasonal fluctuation has been documented in admittance rates to intensive attention units ( United Kingdom ) , [ 6, 7 ] visits to the exigency section ( United States ) , [ 8 ] and all-cause mortality ( United Kingdom ) , [ 9 ] . Published surveies show seasonal fluctuation in the diagnosing of ischaemic bosom disease in general pattern ( United Kingdom ) , [ 10 ] and in the figure of visits to primary attention doctors ( Sweden ) . The Swedish survey, based on a 14-year observation period from 1969 to 1982, found that visits to primary attention doctors declined during July and August in relation to a diminution in diagnosings related to respiratory tract infections, and that there were no appreciable differences for the remainder of the twelvemonth. Season specific unwellnesss, [ 11, 12, 13 ] and mortality rates, [ 13, 14 ] are now being used to find several wellness parametric quantities and resource allotment in wellness sector. This makes finding of se asonal fluctuation an of import public wellness step particularly in catching diseases. Although Pakistan is endemic for several catching diseases, yet we do non hold sufficient informations to back up seasonal fluctuation for common primary attention jobs in our population. Bing a state that faces one of the highest under 5 mortality rates in the WHO-EMRO part, we carry the duty of sensing and certification of baseline informations for appropriate intercessions in paediatric unwellness. From a public wellness position, the current survey will assist us place the demand for intercession and formulate schemes on a larger graduated table to cut down under 5 yr. morbidity and mortality rates in our population. Present survey is a Pilot design to look into the seasonal fluctuation of common paediatric wellness jobs showing to a primary attention OPD in a metropolis of Pakistan. Aims: To observe and document seasonal tendencies in paediatric unwellnesss with highest morbidity and mortality rates in our state, viz. , acute stomach flu, asthma, URTI and LRTI in Kuwait Teaching Hospital OPD, from 2006-2008. Methodology Present survey is a retrospective descriptive analysis of an bing database at paediatric OPD at Kuwait Teaching Hospital, KTH, Peshawar. Kuwait Teaching Hospital is an affiliate of Peshawar Medical College, an commissioned establishment of medical instruction. Pediatric OPD at KTH is of moderate volume with 60-80 OPD visits per twenty-four hours by kids belonging to middle to low socioeconomic category signifier the environing Jamrud Road and Tehkal country. Patients are largely cultural Afghans and Pashtuns. PMC Pediatrics is a well-equipped unit with inpatient bed strength of 35 beds and 5 neonatal isolates. It is staffed by 3 advisers 6 medical officers and 7 paediatric nurses. Study was approved by PMC Institutional Ethical Committee and informations aggregation was performed on site in KTH. Data was extracted from OPD and ward registries and patient medical records for admitted patients for old ages 2006, 2007 and 2008. Research workers met hebdomadal during informations extraction and informations entry clip and discussed jobs for common declaration. Operational definitions used were standard WHO/IMCI definitions. Acute Gastroenteritis was a kid less than 5 old ages age showing with history of increased frequence and reduced consistence of stool over past 24 hours with or without febrility and emesis. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection was child less than 5 old ages age showing with acute ear aching, sore pharynx, tonsillitis, spasmodic laryngitis or epiglottitis with moderate to severe respiratory hurt category harmonizing to IMCI categorization, Lower Respiratory Tract Infection was a kid less than 5 old ages showing with respiratory hurt harmonizing to IMCI categorization and chest X-ray findings consistent with lobar or bronchial pneumonia. Acute Exacerbation of Asthma was presence of respiratory hurt and wheezing in a kid less than 5 old ages age who was known to hold reactive air passages disease. Data was entered in Microsoft Excel 2007 and later analyzed for seasonal fluctuation. Graphs were constructed for each paediatric status under consideration and compared for consistence. Consequences A sum of 7209 patients were included in the survey reported in Kuwait Teaching Hospital OPD from January 2006 to December 2008. Entire figure of instances reported for Acute Gastroenteritis, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Asthma and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections were 3129, 1527, 1599, and 954 severally. 72.80 % of instances of AGE were reported in the months of April, May, June, July, August and September ( summer ) as shown in Figure 1. Patients with acute aggravation asthma reported most in the month of April ( spring ) ( 13.01 % ) and winter season. The Numberss of instances show a gradual addition from September to December ( winter ) ( 51.16 % ) as shown in figure 2. 61.36 % of instances of URTI were in the months of February, April, October, November and December. An addition in patient count was observed from the month of October to December ( 36.87 % of entire instances ) as shown in Figure 3. Extremums in the figure of patients reported for LRTI was observed in the months of April and July ( 15.93 % of entire ) and there was a gradual addition in patient count in winter months i.e. September, October, November, December and January ( 55.87 % of entire instances ) as shown in Figure 4. Year of Study Acute Gastroenteritis Upper Respiratory Infection Lower Respiratory Infection Acute Exacerbation of Asthma 2006 933 450 288 420 2007 1007 510 309 549 2008 1189 567 357 630 Entire 3129 1527 954 1599 Table: Entire figure of instances of selected diseases for each twelvemonth of survey at Kuwait Teaching HospitalFigure 1: Seasonal tendency of Acute Gastroenteritis ( AGE ) instancesFigure2: Seasonal tendency of instances with acute aggravation of asthma Figure 3: Seasonal tendency of instances with acute aggravation of URTI Figure 4: Seasonal tendency of LRTI instances Discussion Our chief aim was to observe and document seasonal tendencies in paediatric unwellnesss with high morbidity and mortality rates in our state, viz. , acute stomach flu, Asthma, URTI and LRTI. Although seasonal tendencies of assorted wellness jobs have been studied by assorted research workers in Pakistan and other SAARC states. Areas of probe include childhood poisoning [ 15 ] and shot, [ 16 ] . Probe of seasonal tendencies of childhood unwellnesss in Pakistan has non been carried out to the authoraa‚ ¬a„?s cognition. AGE exhibited a reasonably unvarying distribution form over the assorted old ages with regard to its seasonality. Higher sensing rate of AGE during the summer season may be explained due to assorted factors. First of all high temperature during this clip of the twelvemonth is thought to advance growing of morbific beings in the environment. [ 17 ] Furthermore, monsoon season causes a batch of strain on already unequal sewerage disposal system hence ensuing in a greater figure of incident instances. Particularly in the summers, the frequence of AGE towers above other paediatric diseases. The greater load of this disease exists in kids because of their under developed immune system. Asthma showed a bimodal distribution with its first extremum in spring and 2nd extremum in winters. The consequences clearly show that most people seek medical attention for Asthma in spring and winter. The rise in admittance for Asthma in spring may hold been related to increasing tree and grass pollen counts. The oncoming of cold conditions has been shown to be related to symptoms of asthma [ 18, 19, 20 ] . The acquisition of viral infections, [ 21 ] the seasonal prevalence of fungous spores, [ 22, 23 ] and the fluctuation in the house dust mite population [ 24, 25 ] may lend. The clear seasonal fluctuation is consistent throughout our state, proposing that similar environmental trigger factors are responsible for arousing onslaughts. Our consequences showed an addition in patient count with LRTI and URTI during the months of February, April, and July and in winter season in all the three old ages under survey. This may be due to the fact that people remain indoors during cold conditions. Due to shut contact in indoor environment, people, particularly kids, are more prone to acquire disease. The agents that cause LRTI are most frequently transmitted by droplet spread ensuing from close contact with a beginning instance. Contact with contaminated vehicles besides may be of import in the acquisition of viral agents, particularly RSV. Probably the somewhat fewer studies in summer were a manifestation of epidemic instead than seasonal fluctuation. For grounds that are unknown, different viruses cause extremums of infection at different times during the respiratory virus season ; these extremums rarely occur at the same time [ 26 ] . Seasonal tendencies are complex phenomena that require elaborate surveies with multipl e samples from diverse population beginnings over long periods of clip to be able to foretell seasonality of disease. Therefore, farther surveies with bigger samples and over longer continuance of clip are required to foreground the phenomena better in our set up. Decision A important seasonal fluctuation was observed in AGE, URTI, LRTI and Asthma. Summer received most instances of AGE. Most of the patients with Asthma were reported in spring and winter. A important addition in patient count with URTI was observed in winter and spring in all the three old ages. Most of the patients with LRTI were observed in winter and in the months of April and July. Further surveies with bigger samples and over longer continuance of clip are required to foreground this phenomena better.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How to Tell Renata Essay

Relationship Development: â€Å"Renata is my mother-though I’ve never called her anything but Renata for as long as I can remember- and this is the way she’s always dealt with things. By ignoring them. Maybe it’s because she’s been on her own, except for me, pretty much all of her life and there was never anyone else for her to talk to†¦Renata’s OK as far as small things go, but keeps quiet on anything large and frightening. This is how I see it-she must think if the scary stuff is pushed to some far, webby corner of her cranium, shrouded and silent, then perhaps it doesn’t really exist†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Jacinda and Renata carry on a peculiar relationship between them. They had a stronger relationship between the two dramatic changes in her life. One was Jacinda’s father and Renata’s husband leaving and the second was Renata’s boyfriend Jerry. Now their relationship towards each other is very shaky. â€Å"Renata is my mother-though I’ve never called her anything but Renata for as long as I can remember.† This quote shows the formality between Renata and Jacinda and how they were never really close. Renata is afraid of reality and she is not afraid to let Jacinda know that. She thinks that if she doesn’t deal with the problems and ignore them they will just go away. â€Å"She must think if the scary stuff is pushed to some far, webby corner of her cranium, shrouded and silent, then perhaps it doesn’t really exist†¦Ã¢â‚¬  From this quote I have come to the conclusion that Renata is hesitant on confronting her fears and that she takes Jacinda’s relationship with her for granted.