
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Machiavelli’s The Prince Essay

In Machiavellis The Prince, he plunged into how a prince could bulwark his military posture once he reaches the pate. One of the many ways of how to secure a princes position is seduction by criminal virtue. In conquest by criminal virtue, Michiavelli said that a prince secures his position when he reaches the top because it takes a long time and a lot of hard exertion to prosper. So to make sure no one takes away their position, the prince crushes his opponents and earns fore from the people as much as possible.The prince also makes a couple of(prenominal)er compromises with their allies, arduous to stand alone because he believes he is more sufficient and stronger than the others. A prince must also know how to reform orders. This may cause havoc because people who benefited the old order might oppose the prince but he must have the power to force the people to continue musical accompaniment him even though they argon already having second thoughts. So why does this persis t even though every pol and every citizen who thinks rationally knows that this is immoral. We humans are naturally driven by our hunger for power, fame and fortune.We specialise aside moral values and ethical values honorable to relieve our self-interests. Politicians act on it because they know this is the easiest way to eliminate a threat. This is a permanent thing so when an enemy ceases to exist, hes permanently gone from the competition and this gives the other politician a peace of assessment because he knows that he will win for sure if he has no opponent. Citizens do not act upon this because first, citizens that belong to the lower class are afraid. How could they go against someone so powerful that this person could end their conduct with just a snap of their fingers?The span and extent of power of this phase of politician is vague that it might extend to having the upper hand and get wind over criminals and we never know what he will do just to preserve his powe r, fame and fortune. Second, most citizens who know about the wrong doings of this politician is paid and given a lot of consolations for their support and silence. As I said, we humans are naturally driven by our hunger by fortune. For people who do not work and believe in gaining gold from a real job, this is the most convenient way of earning money because they wear outt have to do anything but tay silent, run a few errands for the politician and write the politicians name on their suffrage every time he runs for a seat.There is also the fact that when local citizens support this politician, they are more secured and well protected. People who castigate to clash with these local citizens would already feel threaten beforehand because the politician will back them up in part of their deal for the secretiveness of the politicians dirty work. This is one of the most immoral acts performed in politics, but one that somehow we can never get dislodge of.

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