Sunday, March 10, 2019
Developing Country and Physics
natural philosophy the study of matter, energy and their interactions is an international enterprise, which plays a key authority in the future progress of humankind. The support of physical science education and research in alone countries is great because natural philosophy is and exciting intellectual adventure that inspires raw people and expands the frontiers of our k instanterledge ab proscribed nature.physics is the more or less introductory of the physical accomplishments. From alchemy and geology through with(predicate) to biology and cosmology, we understand science in terms of the concepts actual in physics. Not moreover now this, but many of the tools on which the advances of science and technology depend are direct product of physics. The interests and concerns of physicists pass irrigate ever so formed the basis of future technology.In medicine we use X-rays, radioisotope and nu fire magnetized resonance imaging. In addition, laser, electron micro scopes, synchrotron radiation, and electronics only depend on advances make in physics.Where would our y bring outhful western economies be without calculating machines?we could non crap the electronics that neo computers rely on without a association of quantum mechanics. Our modern population is practically more connected than in previous historical times. These days we travel far, communicate easily and quickly, and conduct business rough the world effortlessly. In fact close to no place on earth has been excluded from the modern interconnected world.We are not only connected with physics through modern technology we are connected at a much more basic level through m opposite(a) nature. The tsunami in Sumatra Indonesia is a prime example. Not only was it catastrophic for the local area the laws of physics saw this tsunami travel across the Indian Ocean killing all over 300,000 in Southeast Asia, and traveling through more than 30 other countries resulting in more t han 500 deaths. This was the law of physics in action.solely as much proof as there is that physics has played an definitive government agency in the connectivity of all parts of the planet the world is assuage a much divided place. In developed countries you see an almost 100% literacy drift and a $30,000 mean capital income, and a aliveness expectancy of 80. While in developing nations you see a literacy rate lower than 50% and a mean capital income thats around $2000, and a life expectancy of 40. There is much more for physics, the scientific world, and governments to do to create equality with that interactivity.Kofi Anna the UN Secretary General has been quick to specificationkle out the ongoing tragedies throughout the developing world that are straightaway tied to disease, poverty, and the degradation of the environment. He is also quick to point out that the lack of access to physics and other sciences as headspring as technology has attributed to many of these pro blems. Sadly the scientific community spends most of its time working on solutions for the developed world yet most of the population on earth sack up be found in nations that are developing.physics has the capability of playing a major role in convalesceing solutions to many of the problems facing the human race. Of course it does not have all the answers but the science is developed enough to have created nuclear weapons which remain a global threat, then surely it can be used for the betterment of all people around the globe.Of course politics, socio-economic factors, and bankers acceptance by the people all play a role in the studying of a nation. But physics, engineering, and other proficient and scientific feats can transform a developing nation to a developed nation. precisely look at what the role of physics has accomplished in sound the past 200 years. Physics can play an important role in developing strategies to combat climate change, in the development of cleana ble energies, and in the development of technological advancements.Then why is it that developing nations spend such a small portion of the GDP on research and development in these areas? Is it because the benefits of science and physics specifically are not in full recognized in industrialized and developing nations? Is it that they really do not want to face the idea that our world is in desperate deprivation of change to ensure we do not destroy ourselves?Physics and technology must work unneurotic to resolve the wish for new technologies that get out decrease the damage to our planet, for strategiesto ensure that the people of developing countries have the tools to progress, the need for solutions to deadly diseases that remain a threat, and the need for solutions to the increasing demands we place on our resources before they are depleted. The role of physics in our modern world is more important than in any other time in history.THE splendour OF natural philosophy TO SOCIETYPhysics generates fundamental knowledge needed for the future technological advances that lead continue to drive the economic engines of the world. Physics contributes to the technological understructure and provides learn personnel needed to take advantage of scientific advances and discoveries. Physics is an important element in the education of chemists, engineers and computer scientists, as well as practitioners of the other physical and biomedical sciences.Physics extends and enhances our thought of other disciplines, such as the earth, agricultural, chemical, biological, and environmental sciences, plus astrophysics and cosmology subjects of substantial importance to all peoples of the world. Physics improves our quality of life by providing the basic understanding requirement for developing new instrumentation and techniques for medical applications, such as computer mental imagery, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, ultrasonic imaging, an d laser surgery.THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICS TO MANPhysics is important to mans life because it is used in Cooking food Cleaning clothes Watching TV alter your hose Playing sports Everything else in your life Physics plays an important role in health Economic development Education Energy and The environment.Physics has had an increasingly important impact on the average persons unremarkable life. For example, Physicists played an essential role in the development of The Transistor- The basis of all modern electronics, including radio, television, computers, and telecommunications. The Laser And Laser Diodes at a time used widely in CD players, grocerybar code scanners medical treatment, and telecommunications. The Digital Computermuch of the early(a) development (and some of the most recent) have been motivated by basic research.Fiber Optics Now inviteing widespread application in high-speed data and voice transmission networks. The Global Positioning System Uses satellites and precise time to allow positions to be allocated to within a a few(prenominal) feet anywhere on the surface of the earth. The Hologram Uses on credit card, drivers licenses, and other documents to prevent fraud.The serviceman Wide Web (W.W.W)originally designed by physicist for one to be able to access the world. Medical Imaging Techniques much(prenominal) as the sonogram, the CAT scan, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIs). Medical give-and-take Techniques Using radiation and charged particle accelerators. New Micro-Sensors For bracing machines and smart skeletonings, faster and small computers, computer disks that can store information in a smaller space, improved chemical processing to help the environment and reduce energy use, faster and cheaper telecommunications.THE FOLLOWING ARE THE VARIOUS IMPORTANCES OF PHYSICS TO MAN AND THE SOCIETY.Physics Improves Health In medical technology, positron emission tomography (PET) Lets neurologists see how energy flows inside th e brain to see where problems could be occurring.Physics Connects the World The telecommunications industry, including the development of the internet, has benefited from physics research in telecommunications from radio waves to fiber middle cable.Physics Improves Technology The computing industry depends on physics research in semiconductors and magnetism in order to build processors and disk ever smaller and denser.Physics Drives Progress Physics research benefits the transportation industry in everything from what materials to build cars of to how to build efficient engines to navigating using the global positioning system.Physics Clears the Air Physics is used in environmental science to both detect problems and to build systems that are better for the environment with technologies such as solar index and plasma physics.Physics Fills the Home Many consumer goods developed from physics research. CDs are viable because of refinements in laser technology. Many household gadgets have microprocessors such as microwaves and phones.Physics Designs the Future Research in materials physics has led to many innovations in the substances from which products are made. One now-common material is Teflon. Other substances are now used to make many items from sports equipment to earthquake-resistant makes.PHYSICS LUNCHES NEW BUSINESSThe defense surgical incision started the Global Positioning System (GPS), which uses 24 satellites. GPS was possible because of the atomic clock. Now GPS technology has many uses from being in road maps in cars to perceiving shifts in the tectonic plates.PHYSICS IS THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL OF THE SCIENCESIt is concerned with the most basic building blocks of all things from ants to antennas, from quarks to quasars. The study of physics means trying to find out what the universe is made of, and how these things move and interact with each other. So in one sense, all the other sciences are built on the knowledge gained through the study of phy sics.PHYSICS IS BEAUTIFULPhysicists love simplicity. They are constantly nisus to find the most fundamental ideas that can be used to make even the most complex of phenomena. For example Newton found that only a very small number of concepts could be used to draw off just about all of the mechanical world from steam engines to the performance of the planets. Not only is this beautiful, its downright amazingPHYSICS TEACHES YOU TO THINKThis mogul seem like a strange statement. The study of all subjects teach you to think. But because physics deals with the most basic concepts, the application of such techniques as Separation of Variables and The Scientific Method are never more clear than they are in the study of physics. Once mastered you will find that these methods can be applied to all subjects, including the business world and just coping with everyday life.PHYSICS GIVES YOU A NEW APPRECIATION OF THE WORLD more or less YOUYou can look a rainbow and say Wow, pretty colors, or you can marvel at the amazing interactions between photons and electrons that come together in that particular way when commence from the sun strikes spherical water droplets in the sky, and that you perceive as a multicolored arc suspend in the air. Now thats awePHYSICS IS FUNLastly, studying physics gives you the opportunity of playing with a lot of really cool toysIN ADDICTIONMany pioneers in molecular biology were trained as physicists e.g. Francis Crick, one of the two discoverers ofDNA.A large number of astronomers were also trained as physicist. Without physics, cars wouldnt have being developed to take us to our various destinations. TVs, Light will not have been invented. We would not have known about space,Computer Games,How water boils,Model financial Market,Shape futuristic buildings and structures.SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONPhysics is a creative subject,The concepts of physics dont come easily. individual has to come up with a theory to begin with. This is just as much a creative process as composing music. But where physics, and science in general, differ from the Arts is that no one will accept your theory unless you have some way of testing its validity. observational physicists sometimes have to be enormously creative in glide slope up with methods of testing theories and measuring things in the world around them.For example, how do you tell that there is a planet orbiting a star that is so far away that it appears as nothing more than a spec of depress in even the most powerful telescopes? In summary, for all these reasons, physics is an essential part of the educational system and of an advanced society. We consequently urge all governments to seek advice from physicists and other scientists on matters of science policy, and to be supportive of the science of Physics.Man has endlessly been inspired by the wonders of nature. He has always been curious to know the secrets of nature and remained in search. Although physics play an important role to understand this physical world. In our occasional life,we hardly find a device where physics is not involved. Consider pulleys that make it idle to lift a load.Electricity is used not only to get light and heat but also mechanical energy that drive fans and galvanizing motors etc. Consider the means of transportation such as cars and aeroplanes interior(prenominal) appliances such as air-conditioners, washing machines and microwave ovens. Physics is important to our periodic life becausewe use many thing like electricity etc.Our spotless existence relies on physics. From energy transference to the gravity keeping us on Earth, we rely on the laws of physics to go by our daily life.In the most general sense, physics is the study of matter, energy, and the interaction between them. It is a very broad field, and is responsible for much of the technology available today.A few examples An understanding of Newtons Laws allows people to put satellites into orbit, design safer vehicles and build safe buildings. An understanding of electromagnetism allows people to build electrical circuits and computers. An understanding of the nature of light allows astronomers to determine the composition of stars without ever having to visit them.
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