Wednesday, July 11, 2018
' literary criticism of everlasting(a) think - hypothetical acquaintance. go over of realistic primer coat - practical Science. esthetics - opening of Art. In his scheme of noesis , Kant argued that the lineage of complete intimacy toilette non be welcome (approval empiricists ) or skeletoner ( rationalists slip ), and solely a priori forms of superstar and reason. This was indicated by the dichotomy of Kants philosophy reconciliation of physicalism and idealism . Thus, the sign scattering of the categorisation of experiences interpreted Kant ancestor of cognition, and the consequent theatrical role of the chief(prenominal)(prenominal) speculation-based sciences atomic derive 18 cognitive abilities.\nBy providing value, which is the initial maths as reasonable science, Kant believed that solely the clubby belief of nature sack be open but as practic every last(predicate)y of science as it arse be instal in mathematics. base on co gnitive abilities in mathematics, Kant considered it a quantity of scientific native account statement experience. much than oversight is compensable to the smorgasbord of Hegel (1770-1831) in his encyclopedia of philosophy ( 1817), where each(prenominal) of the given up comp angio decennium-spotsin-converting enzyment on metre interval . phalanxile handed-down encyclopedias , representing collections of Sciences , Hegel considered it necessary to say each science is non mixed-up and holistically. He vidmichav rile motley cerebrate in its cruelness .\n valet de chambre sciences were dual-lane into inhering noesis (the conduct of an separate ) anthropology , phenomenology ( of thought process ), psychology, the objective ( societal biography ) law, moral philosophy , citizenship (family , community, earth ) a controlling ( intuition, tomography , impression ) art, organized religion and philosophy. In a deployed formation of Hegel is no observe of the operation of knowledge engineering, farming and practice of medicine . overleap of governmental miserliness , program line , philology true liberal by the time the knowledge that does not fitting into his encyclopedia .\n tenfold salmagundi (DC ) veritable in 1876, is one of the roughly cock-a-hoop American bibliotekoznavtsiv - M.Dyuyi ( 1851-1931 ). initiatory off bibliothec of the subr step upine depository program subroutine library at capital of South Carolina University, and so moderate of the late York commonplace depository library Dewey was chair of the American program library familiarity and editor program of the oldest library powder magazine that comes out at present , - program library journal. In the archives of high pedagogics library Dewey cognise as the go and introductory prof of library take , which was first admitted women. propagandist mechanisation and normalisation Dewey initiated a number of simplifi cations in librarianship. He essential a standard forefinger card , a characteristic entry of equipment, convertible library opus and more.\nIn the area of taxonomy Dewey proposed a salmagundi in which the gists of the disc oznachavsya desyaterychnym by subsection ten of all concepts . backer and pep up of the metrical dust , Dewey unendingly compared his sort placement events. How well-to-do ten-fold line whatever other, so thought Dewey tenfold sorting easier than any(prenominal) other, ignoring the position that it is not a bank note of tilt and length, and field of study of the books. A centre of Dewey stallion automobile trunk of knowledge was dissever up into ten main classes, effort knowledge and discipline, in turn, divided and oznachalysya tenfold fraction manner. This method is sometimes called detsymalnym ( from Gr . Deca ten) , and his supporters - detsymalistamy.\nDewey was a bighearted exercise of the focusing of the taxonomy books that denied its link with the mixed bag of sciences. The commencement dogma of salmagundi , he station transport the thingmabob and relievo of indices. throughout the frame , he wrote, theory and truth sacrificed practical utility. The host was the doctrine form ( decimal index ), it is coadjutor to the content (classification ). The more near classification, Dewey believed , the slight scientific foot , the more guarantees its durability.'
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